Personal Trainers

About Dina

A skiing incident, which resulted in a torn ACL, surgery, and months of Physical Therapy, led Dina to continue her recovery working with a Personal Trainer. This led to improvements in strength, mobility, and health she had never even considered possible. Once she decided to leave behind a Corporate career of three decades, with a focus in Customer Service and Supply Chain Management, she researched and selected to become a Certified Personal Trainer through the American Council on Exercise (ACE). Their NCCA (National Commission for Certifying Agencies) third party accreditation of their programs, Code of Ethics policy that must be adhered to, and continuing education requirements to maintain Certification ran true to her former Corporate life values.

Additionally, she chose to pursue two Specialist Certifications — Functional Training ACE Specialist and The Biomechanics Method Corrective Exercise ACE Approved Specialist — because helping Clients to learn how to move optimally in their daily lives, whether at home, work, exercising, or playing sports is her driving force.

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